Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ten Occupy Wall Street Demonstrators in Ten Days: Vikki and Raena

The Tenth and final day in my Ten Occupy Wall Street Demonstrators in Ten Days series is mother and daughter, Vikki and Raena. Okay so I cheated a little because there’s two and technically that makes it eleven demonstrators. 

For a better understanding of the reasoning behind the protests I want to recommend to everyone the 2010 documentary film Inside Job narrated by Matt Damon.  The film meticulously documents the financial crisis and lays it all out in a way that anyone can understand. Inside Job won an Oscar in 2010 for Best Documentary Feature.

That concludes the series I hope everyone enjoyed it. I want to give a big thank you to everyone who sent me nice messages on twitter and thanks to some of the journalists who shared my artwork on Twitter which include Mother Jones Senior Editor, Michael Mechanic, Senior Editor at AlterNet, Joshua Holland, Deputy Managing Editor of, Jason Leopold, Freelance Writer, Anna Pulley, Radio Host, Sam Seder and The Week. It’s important to note that Americans have the right to peacefully protest in a lawful way and this series was not meant to promote violence or chaos of any kind in any way. 

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